To Psalm or not to Psalm


This will be a controversial topic for some people. Simply because, as with most “African Traditional Religions” of the diaspora, they’ve become tainted with religions from outside cultures. Hoodoo is no different. It too has been mixed with different aspects of Christianity. And rightly so, hoodoo and Christianity does have common origins. But that’s a story too long to go into here. This blog post is being made to “explore” the “effectiveness” and “practicality” of using bible psalms in your daily magical practices. And I personally beleive it will be hard for certain magical practitioners to break away from uses psalms in their rituals. But this blog post is a needed “read” for many people. So let’s go into the subject.

What are the psalms? Do anybody know? The psalms are a group of writings within the bible that were made by a “character” called David. As the story goes David was on the run fleeing many pursuers who wanted to kill him. During this time while hiding here and there, he supposedly wrote the book of psalms as we know it today. We can imagine the emotional and spiritual trials he was experiencing during this ordeal. These emotional trails of David are what draws many aspiring magicians, who may be going thru a similar situation.

Sometimes it is comforting to know that there is someone out there who may have experienced the same spiritual attacks that you are currently experiencing. Knowing how they handled these trails can sometimes give us ideas on how to handle ours.

And this my friend is the power of psalms. They are affirmations that are infused with STRONG emotion and INTENT that can be directed towards a specific situation.

“Just as an affirmation should be”

So what seems to be the problem? Why do “I” NOT recommend using the psalms in your daily practice? Is it because it is christian? We all know how I feel about the christian religion. The answer is NO! Is it because it may be european? Or jewish? The answer is still NO… Then why? “I do not recommend using the psalms in your magical practice simply because it is not practical” Remember, hoodoo is designed to get straight to the point when tackling a problem. A straight line from point A to point B. With simple procedures that can be duplicated almost anytime almost anywhere.

So question…have you read the psalms before? Have you flipped thru the pages and viewed the many lines of text? How many psalms have you memorized? Besides psalms 23……..How many psalms total are there again? A whopping 150. QUESTION – How many times have you had your bible on hand when a spiritual attack was being cast against you?

My friend regular everyday life does not allow us the “comfort” of gathering our magical tools and supplies at the exact moment we desperately need them. And likewise if you have NOT memorized these various psalms, word for word, then you have become “defenseless” in the time of an attack.

The example I gave above is a real life example of not having materials when you need it. As a side note – it is the end goal of every “magician” “occultist”, “shaman”, “practitioner”, to graduate to the point where one does not need any tools or magical aids. In order to bend the ethers to his or her will. This is the end goal of all practicing magicians. Being able to simply speak a word and cause things to happen, is a place of honor that only the level of Grand Masters enjoy.

But back to the subject. Oh yes the psalms. I believe the psalms should not be used in your magic simply because they are too long to remember and impractical to implement in a pinch situation. Yes they have the necessary ingredients that make them desirable to use, such as EMOTION and INTENT. But the average person will have trouble implementing psalms within a ritual. This is why I suggest you become proficient at writing your own affirmations.

I will describe for you a method that I found works 90% of the time. I’ve been using this method since 2011. And it is a powerful weapon or tool to use when I’m away from my home. Away from my alter and away from my tools.

I have found that an effective affirmation should be short in length. No more than a single page long. It should have 1 to 4 stances or paragraphs.

Like this –

– The subject matter or problem should be expressed immediately in the first paragraph.

– The trouble maker or “problem origin” should be pinpointed BY NAME in the second paragraph

– What you want to happen should be expressed, USING ACTION WORDS, by the middle of the affirmation.

– The resolution, as you see it should be expressed toward the end of your affirmation

-and then the closing. This will be your – amen, aisha, sela, so it will be, or any of the many closings statements you desire to use

I have found this format in prayer is most effective. It is short, to the point, has emotion, intent, action words and is from your own heart. And most importantly these types of affirmations are easy to remember.

I can not take credit for this knowledge, this form of affirmation was giving to the public for free by a Hoodoo teacher named Papa Ce (Ce is pronounced “say”) during one of his blogtalkradio broadcast around 2010. He did not go into the format like I did here but the “cleansing” affirmation he gave was structured in this fashion. And it has worked wonders for me time after time.

Again I do not recommend using the psalms in your magical practice for many reasons. They are too long to memorize, the are found in the bible – you do not always have access to a bible, and lastly a powerful affirmation that can help in your life must have a personal touch that only you can provide. I will go into affirmation writing at another time.

I am honored that you clicked on the this article, Until next time.

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